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How to quickly transition your retail store online (WEBINAR)

Quick and easy steps to transition your business from retail to online. In these uncertain times, it is important to learn new ways to do business. This webinar with Brett Melville from Digital Treasury will help you make the next steps, the right choices and prepare you for making the most out of online stores....


Budgeting for Commitments

Delivered online via Zoom

Come along to this one hour session to learn a straight-forward five-step process to stay on top of your regular financial commitments. Find out how to identify business activities that trigger financial responsibilities as well as practical help to plan for and meet your future commitments.


Introduction to Business Records

Delivered online via Zoom

Are you starting a new small business? Come along to this FREE introductory 60 minute session. You will learn about which business records to keep, the legal requirements and how long to keep your records. This basic session also introduces you to the benefits of developing good record keeping habits as well as tools to...
