A return to everyday coworking

iHarvest Coworking Sunshine continues to monitor policy and procedure surrounding COVID-19 under the guidance of the Department of Health and Human Services along with advice from Brimbank City Councils Occupational Health and Safety Team.

As such we have responded as a business with compassion for those who may be affected as well as an abundance of caution to limit the spread of the virus, we are also taking measures to ensure business continuity remains as consistent as possible during this time.

That being said in order to safely reopen and continue business operations during this period, changes to daily procedure have been placed into effect and a COVID Safe Plan has been outlined and adhered to in order to ensure the health, safety, and well-being of our community and staff members.

Below you will find key changes that have been put into action effective 22/02/2021 and for the duration of our COVID safe period of operation, unless otherwise notified. Key changes include:

  • Opening hours will be available between 9:00am – 5:00pm during business days.
  • Occupancy will be limited to 11 available desks in order to adhere to social distancing practices – as such only 11 members can use the coworking space at any one time.
  • To manage the space safely, only coworkers who have previously held a membership with iHarvest and have nominated themselves to attend, will be able to work in the space.
  • A Desk and locker will be allocated by iHarvest administration upon first arrival. In order to minimise ‘hot desking’ dedicated desks will be assigned to members for use on an ongoing basis.
  • Casual membership and guest visitations (including meeting room bookings) will not be available until further notice.
  • The meeting room, telephone booth and kitchenette will be unavailable for use for the foreseeable future.
  • A digital QR system has been placed on the ground floor of the Brimbank Community and Civic Centre. Attendees will be required to scan a QR code and fill out a short online form upon entering the building and then sign out when departing. In addition a sign in/out sheet remains in the iHarvest space to be signed on arrival at reception and completed upon departure for the day.
  • The coworking space is routinely scheduled for cleaning twice daily before and during business hours.
  • Some communal items have been removed and replaced with hand sanitiser bottles and non-contact hand sanitiser machines.
  • Signage has been displayed in and around the space with clear instructions on basic safety conduct and what do to do if you are feeling unwell, floor markings have also been provided to guide attendees to a safe distance.

Have any concerns?
